Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finding My Howl

            The part of Finding Your Howl that stuck the most out to me is the story about Mumon the wolf. This story is one about determination, perseverance, and hope. It takes a while for all of us to discover our talents in life, and even when we do they require a lot of work and dedication. I know from my own experience that finding your true talents is difficult. I have a lot of different things that I am interested in, but I never seem to be as good at them as I want to be. This story is meant to inspire and show that we can overcome any challenge that may be presented to us. Building off of these ideas, I have chosen a quote from the lead singer of the band “Villages.”

“. . . it was always about exploring the farthest reaches of my imagination. There’s no point in making an album unless you’re growing and changing and learning. If it’s going to alienate narrow-minded people, that’s sad. But maybe it will open their eyes as well.”
-       Conor J. O’Brien

This quote really speaks to me for a number of reasons. Firstly, my aspiration in life has always been guided by music. I have always wanted to be involved in the musical process in some way whether it was by creating music, broadcasting over the radio, or helping record. To me, this quote really embodies the outlook that one should have when pursuing dreams like these. It’s all about finding the creativity inside of you, pushing yourself to come up with things that you have never heard or thought of before. On top of that, it’s important to keep in mind to not let other people bring you down. Just because one of your creations may not appeal to a certain person, doesn’t mean that it’s not intriguing, new, or beautiful.  

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